Saturday, February 6, 2010

Love is in the Air

"Wine and Roses" is February's theme. Last year I played around with rosewater and had interesting results. Very delicate flavour and an unreal aroma. I think I would like to try it again. Maybe make some St. Valentine's Day presents for my local friends.

Wednesday I have an appointment with my local SCORE chapter. I am hoping to walk away with more answers than questions, but considering I am still scratching my head over exactly which questions I should have, anything will be a step in the right direction. What I need first is direction.

In preparation for this meeting, which I am sure will be the first of many, I have come up with 1, 2, 3 and 5-year goals. While I am trying to remain focused on the immediate future, I am increasingly excited for the long term. Stay tuned for more details about that.