Thursday, February 11, 2010


Yesterday was my long awaited appointment with SCORE. Despite my complete and total lack of expectation, it didn't quite go as planned.

I like to think I have done at least a little homework. I have calculated costs versus pricing. Looked at market trends (did you know annual chocolate sales in the US alone are estimated to top $18B by next year?). Even drew up a rudimentary list of goals. But the gentleman I spoke with only asked me one question during the entire meeting: What sort of business do you want to start?

When I told him I was a chocolate maker he immediately suggested I rent a table for $12 at the local swap meet on Saturdays.

Now, in my plan, I was going to cultivate relationships with local event coordinators. Perhaps the owners of small, independent bistros. And in the summertime there are always major events going on at Tempe Town Lake and Mill Ave. A wine cooler and folding table are all I really need. And sunblock. Lots of sunblock. In fairness, I had never entertained the idea of a swap meet for my high-end, gourmet chocolates. I am tying to be open minded about the idea, but it is proving difficult.

Some good did come from my meeting with SCORE, though. I got a little piece of paper with a link to their website where you can instantly assess exactly what type of licensing you need to start your business. So that is going to at least get me legal. And there is no point even considering marketing and production until I am legal. So hooray for steps in the right direction!